Training Your Team for Modernised Systems

So you’re tasked with transforming your team into a modernised powerhouse, but first, you need to confront the harsh reality: your team’s skill sets are stuck in the Stone Age. You’re not alone – most teams struggle to keep up with the pace of innovation. Start by evaluating your team’s current skill sets, and be ruthless about it. Identify the gaps, and don’t be afraid to acknowledge them. Then, build a tailored training roadmap to bridge those gaps. And, don’t even think about skipping the vital step of choosing the right trainer. Want to know the secrets to making it all stick?

Key Takeaways

• Conduct a ruthless knowledge inventory to identify skill gaps and create a roadmap for bridging them with modernised systems training.• Choose the right trainer with relevant expertise and experience, and ensure they can adapt to your team’s unique needs.• Develop a tailored training roadmap with specific skills, resources, and milestones to guide the learning process.• Track key performance indicators, such as time to proficiency and knowledge retention, to measure training success and programme impact.• Address resistance to change by creating a culture of transparency, addressing fears, and overcoming obstacles to successful modernised systems adoption.

Assessing Current Skill Sets

As you take stock of your current skill set, harsh reality dictates that you’re probably rusty in areas you thought you’d mastered, and those ‘expert’ labels you’ve been sporting might be more like participation trophies than hard-won badges of honour.

It’s time to confront the elephant in the room: you’ve got a Skill Gap, and it’s costing you – and your team – dearly.

Conducting a Knowledge Inventory is the first step towards bridging that gap. Take an honest look at your skills, and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Be ruthless – what skills have you truly mastered, and which ones are just collecting dust? Be honest with yourself; those ‘expert’ levels in Excel or Python might be more like ‘familiar’ levels. It’s okay; we’ve all been there.

But recognising the gap is the first step towards growth.

You might be surprised at how many areas you thought you’d nailed are actually due for a refresher. That’s okay! Acknowledge the gap, and you can start working on closing it.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being honest and willing to learn. So, take a deep breath, grab your favourite beverage, and get ready to take an unflinching look at your skills.

It’s time to dust off those skills and get back to being the expert you thought you were.

Building a Training Roadmap

Now that you’ve confronted the harsh reality of your skill gap, it’s time to get proactive and build a roadmap to rectify those rusty areas – and yes, it’s okay to admit you need a refresher on that ‘expert’ level in Excel.

You’ve taken the first step by acknowledging the gaps; now it’s time to create a plan to bridge them. This is where building a training roadmap comes in – a tailored guide that outlines the learning paths you need to take to get from where you’re to where you want to be.

Think of it as a GPS for your skills development.

You’ll need to identify the specific skills you want to acquire, the resources you’ll need to get there, and the milestones you’ll hit along the way.

Content curation plays a vital role here, as you’ll need to gather relevant resources, tutorials, and courses that aline with your learning objectives.

Don’t worry, it’s not as intimidating as it sounds – breaking it down into smaller, manageable chunks will make it feel less overwhelming.

Choosing the Right Trainer

You’re about to intrust your skills development to someone, so it’s essential that you vet your trainer like you’d a potential business partner – after all, they’ll be guiding you through the most critical part of your learning journey. You don’t want to hand over the reins to just anyone, especially when it comes to modernised systems.

When searching for the perfect trainer, don’t be afraid to get a little nosey. Ask about their Trainer Credentials – what makes them an expert in their field? Have they worked with similar teams or industries before? What’s their teaching style, and how will they adapt to your team’s unique needs? You want someone who’s not only knowledgeable but also engaging and able to convey complex information in a clear, concise manner.

Industry Experts are a great place to start your search. They’ve already demonstrated their expertise in the field and can bring real-world experience to the table. Look for trainers who’ve worked on projects similar to yours or have experience with similar technologies. A trainer who’s been in your shoes can provide valuable insights and practical advice that a textbook can’t.

Measuring Training Success

Your training programme’s success hinges on more than just a thumbs-up from participants or a flurry of enthusiastic tweets – it’s time to get down to brass tacks and quantify the real impact on your team’s performance. You need concrete numbers, not just warm fuzzies, to prove your training programme is worth the investment.

KPI tracking and learning analytics are your new BFFs when it comes to measuring training success.

Time to proficiency: How long does it take for your team to master new skills? Are they applying their knowledge on the job, or is it just a theoretical exercise?

Knowledge retention: Are your team members retaining what they learnt, or is it all slipping through their fingers like sand?

Job performance metrics: Are your team members actually performing better on the job, or is the training just a nice-to-have?

Overcoming Resistance to Change

About 70% of change initiatives tank, and it’s likely your training programme will face similar resistance – so, what’s your plan to overcome the inevitable pushback?

Let’s face it, change is hard, and people are naturally wired to resist it. You’re not just fighting against individual reluctance; you’re battling an organisational phenomenon known as Change Fatigue. It’s the cumulative effect of multiple changes, leaving your team feeling exhausted, frustrated, and utterly unmotivated.

Fear Factors play a significant role in this resistance. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of looking stupid in front of colleagues – the list goes on.

As a leader, it’s your job to acknowledge and address these fears head-on. You can’t just sugarcoat the changes and expect everyone to blindly follow. You need to create a culture of transparency, where concerns are heard, and questions are answered.

It’s time to get real about the reasons behind the resistance and develop strategies to overcome them.


As you navigate the modernised system landscape, think of your team as a puzzle – each piece uniquely shaped, but ultimately fitting together to form a cohesive picture.

Now, it’s your job to rotate the puzzle pieces, rearranging them to fit the new landscape.

With a solid training roadmap, the right trainer, and a willingness to overcome resistance, you’ll be well on your way to creating a masterpiece – a team that’s not just adept, but thriving in the modern era.

Contact us to discuss our services now!

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